Kindergarten Social Justice Update
Hope, Care, Love, Believe in Yourself and Never Give Up... A Fantastic Start to Social Justice and Tikkun Olam in Kindergarten September 2017 What a beautiful way to launch our year of tikkun olam and social justice in the Kindergarten with two beautiful stories - The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss and Rose's Garden by Peter H. Reynolds. Each story is about a child who has planted seeds, but as the kindergarten students quickly understood - often times it takes more than just having the necessary things (and they are necessary!) (sunshine, dirt, shovel, water, gloves, seeds) to help something grow. In The Carrot Seed , everyone in the boy's family told him repeatedly that his carrot seed would never come up, but the boy kept weeding and watering his seeds. In Rose's Garden , Rose was patient through each season watching and waiting for her flowers to bloom. In both stories, the children shared something in common - they BELIEVED that their seeds would grow...