
Showing posts from January, 2018

The 2018 Rashi Purim Tamchui Project

The 2018 Rashi Purim Tamchui Project is brewing! Keep an eye on the Rashi Classroom Blog for more exciting news about our annual school-wide Social Justice project.
Fifth Grade Update  January 26, 2018 Anne Glanz and Sharon Packer We are just about at the end of our Ancient Egypt Unit Here is the game our students created about the innovations and inventions created by Egyptians about 5000 years ago! As promised, here are a few pictures of some of the 16 experiments going on in our classroom.  Ethan is comparing the ability of 3 detergents to remove stains, Eli is simulating tooth decay caused by various liquids, and Asher is testing the ability of various materials to prevent an egg from cracking during a fall.   Stay tuned for more pictures.  

Week of January 22nd

Week of January 22nd We have had a full week of excitement. All of your children were amazing in our play and we are so proud of them! Here is the link to our play: We finished off the week by chopping vegetables and enjoying a delicious Stone Soup -- soup made from a real stone!  Enjoy the pictures! It really has a stone in it!

Water! Help from blogger Mia Peselman

This week we started a new science unit on water ! To start, the children brainstormed what they knew about water already. We then took turns acting out different activities you might use water for (brushing teeth, washing hands, swimming, showering, etc)  Following this, the children got a chance to observe water in a cup, and then place a utensil in the cup and see how the water changed (or didn't change). They also placed an image behind the cup to see how the image changed.  Mia's observations: When the spoon was on the far side of the cup it looked bigger and when it was closer to you it looked smaller. When the spoon came out of the cup the water level went down.  The next day, we tried an experiment with a penny. We were trying to see how many drops of water the penny could hold. Mia's observations of the penny are below: When you drop water on a penny until it fills up all the way the water falls off because there was no more room. If you were very ca...