
Showing posts from February, 2018

The 100th Day of School

We enjoyed celebrating the 100th day of school and will continue to do related activities throughout the next few weeks.  Please click the link to see pictures.  You'll also learn how we are preparing for Purim and you'll also find pictures of  Leah's Important Person week.  Wow!  Only three days back from vacation and we are rolling full steam ahead!

Hockey- Dribble

Students work on dribbling a ball and try to keep control as the move in and out of cones and travel throughout the space. They also work on their accuracy and try to knock over pins.

Fitness Unit

Students are challenged both physically and mentally throughout the fitness unit. They have to problem solve and find creative ways to complete each task. Students work cooperative throughout the unit and understand the importance of teamwork and how working together can lead to success.