
Showing posts from March, 2018

Passover Blessings

Wednesday, March 28th Today we had our Kindergarten Seder.   It was enjoyed by all. The children have worked so hard to make their own Haggadah special.  We hope it will bring you joy at your Passover table with memories of Kindergarten for years to come! Chag Sameach, Shabbat Shalom and have a wonderful and safe vacation! Love, Alison and Judy The Four Questions

Dig That Soil!

SOIL SCIENCE Second graders have been studying soil. We learned about soil horizons, or layers. (humus, topsoil, subsoil, parent material, bedrock) We were very lucky today to have Rashi parent, and soil scientist, Dave Gorden take us outside to bring what we've learned to life! With his auger and soil sample charts, he showed us the changing colors and textures of the various layers of soil.  Mr. Gorden, and his son Eli, taled to the kids about what soil scientists do. He introduced the children to the tools of his trade. Getting ready to dig deep.                                                     The soil gets lighter in color the deeper down you go. Different layers of soil have different textures too.


Chanting Morning Blessings & Writing Family Blessings