
Showing posts from October, 2017

Gan Ivrit

Shalom Gan Meeshpachot (families), Last week we learned another letter Dalet and another color pink- Varode. We showed them that Dalet has a dent, so ask them to show you where it is. The vocabulary words were: D'vorah-bee and Dag-fish. They will be decorating fish this week that we will show you at the conferences. Have a wonderful week. Ms. Gennert and Adar


                    SECOND GRADE BRAINIACS !! Finished up our Brain unit watching BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY! OUR OWN NEURAL PATHWAYS (ask your child which learned skill is represented in their neural pathway model)

Curriculum Spotlight: Science

Curriculum Spotlight: Science Why should we care about weather? The focus in science this week was air pressure and how it relates to wind. We took a field trip to the middle school science room where the teachers did a demonstration. We gave no context for this demonstration other than that it somehow related to our study of weather. Later, in class, we learned that air moves from areas of high pressure to low pressure. We looked at a blown-up balloon as an example. We related the concept of air pressure to our understanding of population density. We used our bodies to represent air molecules being packed densely and wanting to find more space.        The teachers were so impressed with the students' engagement level and their ability to grasp the difficult concept as quickly as they did.

Week of October 23, 2017: First Grade Abraham / Gulman

Inspired by this weeks' Torah parasha , first graders learned about Shalom Bayit--peace in the home.  Each child created "car magnets" to proudly proclaim how  he or she ensures peace at home! We zoomed in on the Rashi Core Value of Tzedek--justice. Two students acted out how they bring justice to the world through donating  Tzedakah (charity.)

Week of October 23rd

We learned about Shalom Bayit (peace at home) during our study of Parsha Lech Lecha. Students created their own 'bumper stickers' stating how they create Shalom Bayit at home.  Look for these beautiful creations on your student's locker            This week we started our new unit of writing - Pattern Books! Students are learning from mentor texts such as Worm Is Stuck   by K. Caple and This Train by Paul Collicutt.    Students practice their math skills daily during morning meeting   In connection to Parsha Lech Lech a, we read Abraham's Search for God by Jacqueline Jules while we discussed different places we find God. Student  answers varied, such as in the Beit Midrash, outside enjoying nature, and while spending special time with family.   We learned a new math game! Racing for Nickels helps us to count by 5's and to trade pennies for nickels.         We collected leaves on the playground and made leaf rubbings!