First Grade: Preparing Ourselves for the High Holidays - Words and Actions Matter!
Preparing Ourselves for the High Holidays: One Word and Action at a Time! I recently read this: Words matter. They are packages of power that can harm or help... And so my work with the First Grade Students began with reading our first two TREASURES of the year - Gershon's Monster and Mr. Peabody's Apples . Many of the social justice TREASURES read and discussed this year will be anchored in a particular Jewish text, mitzvah or Jewish value. I introduced the Ecclesiastes text below to lay the groundwork for reading and delving deep into the big messages of these two stories: Gershon's Monster retold by Eric Kimmel Smith What happens when a young man named Gershon sweeps his mistakes into his cellar every week, empties his mistakes in the sea every Rosh Hashanah and never says sorry or thinks twice about his words or actions? His mistakes catch up with him in a serious way!!! ...