Becoming "Bucket Fillers" - Preparing for Rosh Hashanah and the Year Ahead

Becoming "Bucket Fillers" 
 Preparing for Rosh Hashanah and the Year Ahead

An interesting idea...from the moment we are born - we carry around an invisible bucket. It is our parents and family who show us our first acts of caring, love, support and kindness. And with every exchange where words and actions help us and others feel cared about, special, loved and proud - imagine that our invisible bucket fills up.

So what kinds of things can we do and what kinds of words can we say that would help fill up another person's bucket? 

Each kindergarten class were challenged to fill up a class bucket with recent examples of actions and words that they used and said to make someone else feel good.

Important idea #1 - Every day we have an opportunity to help fill up our own buckets as well as others.  When our bucket is filled, we feel happy and good. When our bucket is dipped into and not full, we can feel sad or angry.

Everyone was in awe of our totally full class bucket! It was inspiring that students in both classes had excellent examples to share of either filling up other people's buckets or how others had filled up their buckets!

Ask your child to share the example he/she shared 

to fill up their class bucket...

We then read the book How Full Is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer. We connected the big ideas of the story with Rosh Hashanah and how the new year gives us a chance to think seriously about what we can do better.  

Then students were given drawings of empty buckets and then illustrated either the examples they shared when they poured water into their class bucket or chose others that had helped fill up their bucket.


Important Idea #2 - We need one another to help fill up our buckets! No one will ever fill up their own bucket by dipping into another person's bucket. It's that simple...What we say and what we do matters each and every day. We have the power to help bring joy, peace, understanding, laughter, friendship, caring and kindness to one another through our words and actions. Every word and every action can contribute to Tikkun Olam - repairing our world.

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