Going Bananas during Succot

5th Grader Go Bananas During Succot
Mrs. Glanz and Mrs. Packer

          Accompanying wheel chair bound seniors from Newbridge on a Succot walk is always one of the highlights of the year in 5th grade. The residents loved talking with our kind and attentive students and truly enjoyed being outside on a warm and sunny day. Our visit ended in the large Succah where your children offered their senior buddies juice and cake.

         Back in the classroom, the fifth graders learned about a prehistoric young woman named Lucy, completed the first math unit and started the second one which is about multiplying large numbers. Additionally, they wrote "I AM" poems from the perspective of Auggie in the book Wonder. Next they will be writing an I AM poem about themselves. 

          Finally, our scientists were asked to solve that perennial problem of bananas that ripen too quickly. What can be done to slow down the rate at which bananas ripen and get brown and mushy?  This is a question our 5th graders are exploring this week and next. After doing a bit of research, students started coming up with ideas, formed questions, turned these into hypotheses,  set up their experiments, and have been doing daily observations of their experimental bananas vs. the control bananas which are sitting on the counter.  We have bananas that are: hanging on a hook, sitting at the back of a dark cabinet, in the teachers' refrigerator AND freezer, bananas that have been peeled, and bananas that have been placed in a plastic bag. Results of the experiment will appear in next week's blog. Here are pictures of the bananas on Day 3 of the experiment.

Have a great weekend and happy Simchat Torah!

Sharon and Anne

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