Whats on our Seder Plater? and More!

Once again, our classroom was filled with published authors! Over the past several weeks, each child learned how to revise a story. Our work culminated with a new “revised edition” of a previously published story. The children were immensely proud of their hard work! We celebrated our accomplishments by sharing the stories with a second grade class! 

First graders loved feeling and smelling fresh parsley or karpas. We practiced the blessing for a green vegetable, learning that parsley on the seder plate reminds us of the season of Spring. First graders created their very own pieces of parsley and we added it to our bulletin board.
Additionally, students created lovely watercolor paintings that featured the ingredients in charoset, a delicious treat on the seder plate. Although sweet to eat, charoset reminds us of the mortar or clay used by the Jewish slaves in Egypt. 

 First Graders continued to learn about dinosaurs this week! They studied the differences in hip structures between Saurischian and Ornithiscian Dinosaurs.

Have a Happy Passover!!

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