Last Week of School

Last Week of School

June 14, 2019

It is hard to believe this amazing 2018-2019 year is coming to an end. We have had a year full of learning, growing, and building community!  

This week we had a countdown with a special activity happening each day. On Monday, we ate lunch together in the classroom while enjoying ice cream for Shavuot. On Tuesday, the first graders created their own art projects. Wednesday was using special teacher pens and yesterday was extra choice! Today, the first graders got to visit the treasure box and pick out something for the summer. 

Thank you all for an amazing year and entrusting your child's learning in us. It has been a pleasure getting to know them and watching them grow over the course of the year! We wish you all a wonderful summer full of warm weather and fun! Please come back and visit next year!!

Janie and Jonathan 

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