Week of Oct 21st

Questions to ask your child about their week:

1) What are some of the things that God created?

2) What did you do in Fundations?  (We reviewed all the letters plus learned the letter g).

3) What activities did the Israeli students do with your class this week?  (We made doves and bees, then played memory).

4)  What rhymes with cat?  pan?  mug?  bag? fog?

Simchat Torah Celebration with K-2

Parading around with flags

The Torah is at the very end!  It's time to turn it back to the beginning.

Ms. Levine, Maya's mom, reads the last parsha in the Torah.

 Mora Shirel reads the very first parsha, Bereishit.

A bunch of cuties

Ms. O had the Treasure Key and brought in all the hats she made for Caps for Kids.  The children modeled the hats.

Time to be silly at Choice.

The Listening Center at Choice

The Israeli 8th graders came to do activities with us.

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