A Few Thoughts From 5th Grade

Dear Fifth Grade Parents,

While this week ended much differently than we all probably anticipated, we wanted to take a moment to recognize many successes from this week. Your children worked extremely hard finishing, or coming very close to finishing, their Science Fair boards. They have been working literally for months on these projects and have much to be proud of. While we are working to figure out how they will share what they've learned from this experience, the process they've gone through is equally, if not more important, than the final product. That said, we will be in touch when we have a clearer idea of what this year's Science Fair will look like.

Students also learned about ancient Greek art and architecture, started their learning about Alexander the Great, and continued their study of long division. We also had a fantastic discussion of our weekly precept. While Stephanie Rotsky has been leading these discussions this year, with Stephanie's guidance, this week we had our first student-led discussion and our first pair of fifth graders did a magnificent job leading us. Lastly, our Purim celebration was spirited and we hope you enjoy seeing this photo as much as we enjoyed all the costumes! 

We have already started working together, while also collaborating with the fifth grade teachers next door to come up with meaningful learning for the next couple weeks. While none of us could have anticipated this back in September, we are eager to work through this challenge and continue educating your children. As this process evolves, please feel free to reach out to us should you have any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful weekend!

Shabbat Shalom,
Aaron and Caroline

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