If You Go Owling, You Have to Be Quiet

Hello Everyone,

Sorry this blog is a little late (or a little early, depending on how you look at it).  We weren't able to get it out to you last week and we didn't want to wait until Friday because there is a note about how to be prepared for THIS Friday (Whole School Pajama Day - to celebrate Adar). Please click on the link below to see our album with pictures of Simon's Important Person visit, our study of owls, and grandparents joining us for Read Across America Day. Also please note the looking ahead section below) for lots of upcoming events!

This Week's Blog (click here)

Looking Ahead: 

* We ask that each child bring in a box of pasta (any kind) to be used as a noise maker (grogger) during the megillah reading on Tuesday, March 10th. All boxes will be donated to help families through Jewish Family Services. Thank you! 
  • This week's Shabbat helpers (March 6th) will be Addie and Ella.
  • This Friday (March 6th) is school-wide Pajama Day (to celebrate the month of Adar).
  • Monday (March 9th) is Inside/Out Clothes Day.
  • Tuesday (March 10th) is PURIM! Students come in costumes!
  • Thursday (March 12) is a Conference Day - no school for students.
  • Next Friday's Shabbat Helpers (March 13th) will be Ari and Madison.

Have a great rest of the week! 

- Sharon and Rachel 

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