Week of March 2nd

Questions to ask your child about their week:

1) Which owl was your favorite and what was your favorite part of the owl program?
2) What are your favorite parts of the Purim story?
3) Can you sing The Continent song? "North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia.  Don't forget Australia, don't forget Antarctica.  These are the continents, all 7 continents, of the world."
4) What is the name of the continent you live on?  Your country? Your state?  OR you could ask your child - "Where are you on the map?" prompting them to start with their continent, country, state, town, street name and house number.
5) What activity did we do with Jacob's family?
6) How do fish breathe?
7) How was the grade 5 Purim play?

Tefillah time

Read Across America Day. We loved listening to the grandparents read to us!

Eyes on Owls Program with Marcia and Mark Wilson

This Barn Owl loves to dance!

Making basketball hoops with Jacob and his parents!

Reading and playing on the "airplane"

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