What's New in Grade Two 3/2-3/6

What's New in Grade Two
This week began with our celebration of Read Across America. Many Rashi grandparents came and read with our second graders in the library. Our class really enjoyed being read to by our guests! In science we continued our study of water. We learned about surface tension and made large water molecules out of marshmallows. We labeled the hydrogen and oxygen molecules. We then demonstrated how the molecules bond together by linking arms on the rug in a circle. We noticed how we were stronger when we tensed our arms and how our bond fell apart when we relaxed are arms. We connected this to the way water molecules bonded on our pennies.  On Thursday we pretended to design a raincoat for a designer. Children tested different materials to decide which repelled water best. In writing, many students are writing and sharing pieces of fiction. Some are humorous and some are funny. All are really creative! In math we are continuing our study of multiplication. On Thursday we had a talent show for our Warm Fuzzy Celebration. Enjoy the photos from our week. 

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