This week's blogger is Shayna! Our First Visit to Newbridge: This week, we went to Newbridge. We read a book about pumpkins. In the book, the people took the seeds out of the pumpkins and they sorted them by 2s, 5s, and 10s to count them. After we read the book, we went to Newbridge. With the residents, we sorted the seeds. We had to each give the number of seeds our pumpkins had. In the afternoon when we finished the book, we found out that the littlest pumpkin had the most seeds (around 378). Pumpkins have more seeds if they stay on the vine longer and if the pumpkin has more lines on the outside, which makes it have more seeds. Darker pumpkins stay on the vine longer too and can have more seeds. Favorite Book This Week: My favorite book so far this week is Leopold . We read it aloud as a class. In the book, Ben didn't want to go to soccer practice because he's not good at sports. In the end, Ben tried soccer out and he loved it, and he even scored a goal. Ben had a...